

Picture Manufacturer Model Notes

Amiot 143 This bomber was obsolescent on the eve of the war, but it accomplished some night bombing missions.

Amiot 351 An excellent medium bomber. Built from scratch.

Arsenal VG-33 Another one of the VG series which went nowhere.

Arsenal VG-36 This was of a series of VG fighters which featured a bewildering variety of engines, fuselages, wings etc. instead of concentrating on one type and getting it built. In the event, not a single one went to production.

Arsenal-Delanne 10 This 2-seat unorthodox fighter made 15 flights under the Vichy government. Built from spare parts and sheet plastic.

Besson MB-411 A tiny floatplane designed to fly from the large French submarine Surcouf. Only two were made. I built this one from a Spad fuselage, sheet plastic wings and spare floats.

Bloch 131 France had several excellent medium bombers at the beginning of the war. This was one of them. Built from scratch.

Bloch 174 Reconnaissance plane.

Bloch 200 One of several bombers in the French Armée de l'Air.

Bloch MB 200 BN4 The Czechs used some of these French bombers.

Bloch MB-152 This was one of the better French fighters to oppose the Germans, but they were too few. After the war, Bloch became Dassault Aviation.

Bloch MB-155 One of the better French fighters, it came too late to be of much use.

Bloch MB-157 This exceptional French fighter was able to reach 441 mph in 1940, something most other fighters took several years to reach. Unfortunately, France collapsed and the only prototype was captured by the Germans. Built from scratch.

Bloch MB-700 This was a really tiny fighter---a length of 16 ft. and a wingspan of 19 ½ ft. Built from scratch.

Breguet 270 This French observation plane had a distinctive tail boom.

Breguet 693 This fine light bomber suffered the ignominy of having to wear surrender colors.

Breguet-Dorand Gyroplane Laboratoire The French had a practical helicopter early on (1935). Built from scratch.

C.A.M.S. 37 Way back in 1927, the Portuguese got 7 of these small flying boats.

C.A.M.S. 55 Medium-range maritime reconnaissance flying boat; 110 were built.

C.A.O. 200 Only the prototype flew before the French defeat in 1940.

Caudron C.R.44 Goéland Belgium had 2 of these DC-3 look-alikes. Originally intended for training twin-engine bomber crews, they were instead used for liaison out of Evère Airfield (Brussels).

Caudron C.714 Fifty of these lightweight French fighters were shipped to Finland, but only 6 reached their destination. This is one of them.

Caudron C.714 Caudron built 90 of their lightweight fighters. Some of them equipped this squadron of Polish pilots who escaped in 1939 to continue the fight, only to have to move on to England the next year.

Dewoitine D.501 This was a pre-war French fighter, but I was unable to ascertain how the Chinese got them, or how many.

Dewoitine D.501 Out of 308 fighters that were made, some got to Spain.

Dewoitine D.501 Many of these were exported, but France kept some for itself.

Dewoitine D.520 The Dewoitine was generally acknowledged to be the best of the French fighters, but they were far too few to effectively oppose the Bf 109s. Old kit.

Dewoitine D.520-02 The second prototype.

Dewoitine D.720 Reconnaissance plane. Built from scratch.

Hanriot H.232.01 A very stylish little trainer plane. Built from scratch.

Hanriot NC-530 Reconnaissance plane. Built from scratch.

Hanriot NC-600 Small observation plane. Built from scratch.

Heinkel He 274V1 In order to solve the frequent fires in the He 177, Heinkel was working on the He 277V1 4-engine conversion in violation of German government orders, but at the same time, they were having the French work on this version, also with 4 engines, and a twin tail. It was completed and flown after the war. I made this one by modifying a He 177 kit.

Latécoère 298A France had numerous types of floatplanes. This is a fine Latécoère product for reconnaissance and torpedo bombing.

Lioré et Olivier 451 An excellent medium bomber with a long-barreled 20mm. cannon for rear protection.

Loire 130 About 150 of these were manufactured, and they served the French, the Vichy French and the Free French. Catapult-launched from French cruisers and battleships.

Loire50 This was the prototype for the French Navy Loire 501 amphibian production model (6 made in 1933). Maximum speed was only 121 mph. on 350 hp. Built from scratch.

Loire 46 Of the 70 fighters that were built, some got to Spain and fought on the Republican side.

Morane Morane 230 This captured French trainer was used by the Luftwaffe as a glider tug.

Morane Saulnier M.S. 405 The Swiss built 82 of these under license. The 405 led to the better-known 406.

Morane Saulnier M.S. 406 The M.S.406 was by far the most numerous fighter available to the French at the beginning of the war. Old kit.

Morane Saulnier M.S. 406 This M.S.406 has the yellow and red Vichy surrender markings.

Morane Saulnier M.S.225 A good fighter, but a little old for the competition.

Morane Saulnier M.S.230 Graceful single-seat fighter.

Mureaux M.151 R.282 A venerable observation plane.

Nieuport-DelageNiD 622With a top speed of 155 mph, the NiD was hardly a world-beater in the early 1930's, but 360 were nevertheless built. Hopefully, most of them had been retired before they had to encounter 300 mph Me 109s.

Potez33 Belgium used 8 of these for liaison and casualty evacuation. Built from scratch.

Potez 230 Another tiny fighter. Built from scratch.

Potez 452 This obsolescent observation plane served on French cruisers and battleships.

Potez 631 The prolific Potez family included night fighters like this one.

Potez 631 After the French capitulated, the Germans required the Vichy government to paint all their aircraft in these bright yellow and red surrender colors. Makes for a lot of hand painting.

Potez 6311 French ground attack aircraft in Rumanian colors.

Potez 6311 Reconnaissance plane.

Roussel 30 Right before the war, the French developed a trio of very lightweight fighters. This one was only 20 ft. long. Only one was built and flown. Built from scratch.

SCANSCAN-20The French designed and built this trainer flying boat in secret during the German occupation. After the war, 23 were made for the French Navy. Built from scratch.

SIPAS.12This long, swoopy advance trainer actually started life as the Arado Ar 396 V1 which first flew on Dec. 29, 1944, after the Germans had been kicked out of France. The French had been forced to develop it for the Germans, and they just took over production.

SNCAO LN 411 This Aéronavale dive bomber looked remarkably like a Stuka. They made several brave attempts at knocking out bridges that the Germans were using in their advance in May 1940, but they were decimated.

Sud-Est S.E. 100 A large and clumsy-looking long-range escort and attack fighter. Two prototypes were built. An interesting feature was the undercarriage which had a huge nose wheel and two small wheels under the large tail fins. It had a long-barreled 20mm. cannon for rear defense. Built from scratch.
